
Thank you for considering a donation!

Hi! My name is Rick, also known as Serilum.

All the software and mods I've currently released are available for free, and always will be. While I do receive some income from the ads shown on the project pages, the total each month received is quite unpredictable. Monthly membership donations makes being a self-employed developer a lot more realistic, which I love doing!

I've got GitHub Sponsors and Patreon pages set-up. If you are considering a donation, any of the two can be used. Feel free to choose your preferred platform! While a donation motivates me immensely and allows me to allocate more time towards creating content, it's not a necessity. You can also show support by downloading and showing your friends! :)

Either way, thank you very much for being here. I appreciate it!

An extra big thank you to all of these amazing people for actively supporting the development!